- CHN - California Homeschool Network
- HSC -HomeSchool Association of California
- Homefires - The Journal of Home Schooling Online
Some Helpful Homeschooling Email Lists
CA Homeschool Association List: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CaliforniaHS
We invite you to join this information and timely list and ask the questions you have about homeschooling you children. CHN’s legal and legislative chairs are on this list. Potential problems are discussed first and as they are unfolding. Stay Informed!
CA Homeschool Announcement List:
This announcement list is for CA homeschoolers who want to receive homeschooling announcements, alerts, and other important info-without extra discussion, debate, or chatting.
CA Homeschool Calendar List: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CaliforniaHS-Calendar
This is an announcement-only list for activities, field trips, and other fun things happening in CA.